Applications are invited from eligible candidates for registration to PhD programme in the Faculties of Arts, Science, Social Sciences, Commerce, Law, Management, Education, Engineering, Technology, Pharmacy and Oriental Languages for the academic year 2010-2011.
Candidates with UGC/CSIR/JRF/NET/M.Phil. qualifications are also eligible to apply.
I. In all the Faculties (Arts, Commerce, Management, Education, Law, Social Sciences, Oriental Languages, Science, Technology, Pharmacy, Engineering) a candidate is eligible for registration/admission to Ph.D. Courses in a subject, if she/he:
i) has obtained a Post-graduate Degree from a recognized University securing not less than 55% marks (50% for SC/ST candidates) at the Post-graduate degree and
ii) has qualified in UGC-CSIR/NET/GATE or SLET examination of Government of Andhra Pradesh or
iii) has a M.Phil. Degree through regular mode in the concerned or in an allied subject approved by Osmania University. OR
iv) has qualified in the Ph.D. eligibility Test (2009 -10) conducted by Osmania University.
Further, in all the Faculties, the criterion at 1 (i to iv) is essential qualification for Ph.D. admission / registration and however, in the Faculties of Engineering, Technology and Pharmacy the criteria at 1 (i) is the essential qualification for registration to Ph.D. in a subject and the criterion at 1 (ii & iii) may be treated as desirable. (Candidates who have been awarded a Junior Research Fellowship through a National Level test e.g . UGC/CSIR/ ICAR/ ICMR JRF etc. and candidates who have RGNF fellowship and whose M. Phi l degree is awarded (in case of SC/ST candidates) are also eligible for Ph.D. admission / registration . The Ph .D. Admission is subject to the availability of vacancies with the Research Supervisor in the concerned Department in the current Academic Year.
The prescribed Application forms along with the Ph .D. Rules and Regulations Booklet can be had from the Director, Department of Publications and Press, OU on payment of Rs. 60/- from 20-09-2010 onwards. Candidates desirous to obtain the Application forms by Post should send a D.O. for Rs.60/- drawn in favour of the "Director, Department of Publications and Press, Osmania University. Hyderabad - 500 007" along with a self addressed cover affixing the required postal stamps.
Completed Application forms along with all the required Enclosures and D.O. for Rs. 150/- towards Registration fee drawn in favour of the Dean of Faculty concerned payable at Hyderabad, should be submitted in the Office of the concerned Dean, between 11.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. on or before 11- 10-2010. No application will be entertained after the last date.